Anti-aging and HGH Clinics in San Jose
#1 HGH Doctors, HGH Therapy and Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Call today to schedule an appointment with one of our expert HGH Doctors in San Jose, specializing in HGH Therapy, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Fitness and Nutrition. Request a Free Consultation (415) 361-5863

Ehormones MD Anti-Aging Clinic In San Jose, CA
Our specialty is anti-aging therapy for men 30 years of age and up. We provide the best care in the industry with anti-aging doctors you can trust. Here at our San Jose anti-aging clinic, our testosterone doctors will work with you to offer the most advanced treatment in the industry. Our San Jose anti-aging doctors have years of experience working with patients just like you. If you’ve considered going on HGH therapy or testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), call us. Our knowledgeable and professional staff are glad to answer any questions you have.
All of the initial consultations at our San Jose HGH clinic are 100% free. We have a staff of anti-aging physicians here that will be happy to discuss the various therapies we offer and how they can benefit you.
If you’re suffering from any of the below conditions, you may be in need of anti-aging therapy. Decreased energy, Increased belly fat, Decreased muscle tone, Decreased exercise stamina, Poor sleep quality, Lethargy, Low libido, Suboptimal erections
Call us now for a FREE consultation at (415) 361-5863 to discuss your options.
Call Ehormones MD now for a Free Consultation (415) 361-5863. We’re here 24/7 to help.
What is HGH Therapy?
HGH therapy is generally administered to men over 30 with low levels of HGH. HGH is an acronym for “human growth hormone”. This is an important peptide hormone in the body that is responsible for many important biological processes in the body. Both men and women secrete HGH throughout all of life. However, human growth hormone is very important for men, especially as they age. When HGH levels decline, it can wreak havoc in the body and cause a host of maladies. But when HGH levels are in the adequate range, good health is usually evident. This can be seen in the way of good skin, bones and hair. Other evidence of normal HGH levels in the body are good muscle tone and low body fat. Additionally, sex drive is strong, as are erections – while sperm quality and quantity is good as well. For most men, HGH levels begin to drop around their 30th birthday. Medical science is not sure exactly why, but it’s usually chalked up to the normal aging process of the body.
Once HGH levels decline, it’s typical to see a gradual decline of about 1% per year (after age 30) for the duration of a man’s life. As HGH goes lower, a man’s health and mood usually drop in quality as well.
When HGH levels fall below the normal range, men often experience the following symptoms:
- suboptimal erections
- low sperm production
- loss of muscle
- increased belly fat
- less restful sleep
- loss of sex drive
The only known solution to low HGH is injecting supplemental human growth hormone. By doing so, men over 30 can restore their HGH levels back to the normal range. This can reverse the above-mentioned symptoms and restore the health and mood of men over 30.
If you have an interest in learning more about HGH replacement therapy, contact our San Jose HGH clinic. Our San Jose anti-aging physicians are here to answer your questions about HGH. FIND AN HGH CLINIC NEAR ME IN SAN JOSE, CA: Call us 24/7 at (415) 361-5863 or submit the form on this page.
Is HGH Therapy Effective?
Without a doubt! The use of HGH replacement therapy dates back more than 50 years. Anti-aging centers around the world have been using this powerful treatment to help older men look and feel younger. If you’ve never used supplemental HGH, you’re probably unaware of how powerful it is. It can truly change your life and bring back that the feelings of youth you’ve been missing.
By using human growth hormone, most men over 30 can achieve the same HGH levels they had at 20. Our patients usually see their HGH levels raise to the normal range after just 8-12 weeks on treatment. And after sustained use of supplemental human growth hormone, our patients often experience a notable improvement in health.
Such improvements are:
- More muscle tone and less belly fat
- Bones become denser and stronger
- Libido and erections improve
- Sperm production returns to normal amounts
- Increased daily energy and more restful sleep at night
Many of our patients say going on HGH therapy was the best decision they ever made for their health. However, we need to state for legal reasons that not every patient can experience similar results. But the overwhelming majority do.
If you’re a man 30 years of age or older and suffer from the symptoms of low HGH, call us. Our consultations are 100% free of charge. The HGH doctors at our San Jose HGH clinic will be glad to discuss your options in person.
Is HGH Therapy Safe?
There has been a lot of speculation and scrutinization over whether HGH therapy is safe. After placing thousands of men on supplemental HGH, we’re confident it’s a safe therapy. However, it must be done correctly. This means using a certified anti-aging clinic and qualified HGH doctor to administer and monitor the therapy. Here at Ehormones MD of San Jose, we follow the strictest guidelines and safety procedures in the industry. Our HGH physicians are very knowledgeable about anti-aging medicine and know exactly how to take our patients through HGH treatment. Going on HGH is a life-altering experience and is a process that is typically sustained for years. You want to work with only the best when your life matters. Before even starting HGH therapy, all new patients are screened for contraindications through a comprehensive blood panel test. This is standard procedure for our clinic to ensure the safety of each patient before going on treatment. A large majority of our patients pass the blood test and are eligible for supplemental human growth hormone. Only a very small fraction show signs of contra-indicators. But this is what makes HGH therapy so safe and effective at our clinic. The negative criticism of HGH replacement typically stems from black market use, where users bought and injected on the black market. These men often inject HGH of inferior quality and over-prescribe. With no safety protocols in place, black market users often put their health at risk. However, when used correctly with a certified HGH physician, HGH therapy is not only safe, it is extremely effective. Rest assured, when you work with the staff at our San Jose HGH clinic, you’ll be receiving the best and safest HGH treatment in the industry. However, we must state that like any drug or therapy, supplemental HGH is not without some risk. A small percentage of patients may experience adverse effects to HGH supplementation. Yet it’s very rare at our clinic.
If you’re looking for the safest HGH clinic in San Jose, CA, give us a call at (415) 361-5863. Our consultations are totally free and we’re here 24/7 to answer any questions you may have about the safety of HGH therapy.
Call Ehormones MD now for a Free Consultation (415) 361-5863. We’re here 24/7 to help.
What is Testosterone Therapy?
It’s the use of supplemental testosterone to raise an aging man’s testosterone levels back to the normal range. Men over 30 with low testosterone are typically the ideal candidates for testosterone replacement therapy – also called “TRT” for short.
Medical science considers 500-1000 ng/dL to be the normal testosterone range for a man. If testosterone levels drop below 500 ng/dL, it’s considered to be out of normal range. When this occurs over an extended period of time (months or years), the health and mood of a man usually declines. This is because testosterone is crucial to a huge number of health functions in the body. While women secrete testosterone levels too (in much smaller doses), it is much more important for men. Declining levels of “T”, can result in low sperm quality, a lack in libido, loss of muscle mass, brittle bones, brain fog and trouble getting restful sleep. Additionally, men with low levels of testosterone lose their ambition and drive to take on the world. This is what makes a man, a man. As men age, testosterone levels typically decline by an average of 1.6% per year after age 30! This is the reason why so many athletes go downhill in their 30s. By age 40, they have lost as much as 16% of their normal testosterone level. If you’re in your late 30s or beyond, chances are your testosterone levels are well below what they should be. Low T is a serious problem that will eventually affect all men older than 30. The only effective solution to the problem is testosterone replacement therapy. For this reason, many men over 30 are now turning to TRT. If you’ve been considering going on testosterone replacement therapy, talk to us. Our San Jose TRT doctors are here to answer all your questions. If you’re experiencing any of the conditions of low testosterone mentioned above, pick up the phone and call us now. Our San Jose Anti-Aging Clinic is here to assist. Call us 24/7 to schedule your free consultation at (415) 361-5863 or submit the form on this page.
Is Testosterone Therapy Effective?
Testosterone replacement therapy works and it is effective. It’s been used for decades to treat men over age 30. Our San Jose testosterone clinic has guided thousands of aging men through TRT. By doing so, these men were able to restore their testosterone levels to the normal range and change their lives. Most of our patients show an increase in T levels after just 8-10 weeks on the therapy. By the six-month mark, the majority of men we treat are back up to the normal range. And the majority reach levels well above 500 ng/dL. If you’ve never used TRT, it’s perfectly normal to be skeptical if the treatment is effective. As a certified anti-aging clinic in San Jose who has guided thousands of men through using testosterone replacement therapy, we can definitively tell you it is. It’s important to state that for testosterone replacement therapy to be effective, it must be prescribed and administered by a qualified TRT doctor. It also needs to be taken over a period of time and given through injection; we don’t believe patches, pills and pellets are nearly as effective as injection. If you’ve been googling the best TRT clinic in San Jose, you found it. Our San Jose testosterone doctors are here to answer your every question about the treatment. So make an appointment today to work with TRT doctors you can trust. We’ve helped thousands of men over 30 regain their youth. If you believe you’re suffering from the symptoms of low testosterone, chances are our testosterone clinic in San Jose, CA, can help.
Find a Testosterone Clinic near me. Call us 24/7 at (800) 658-8858 or submit the form on this page.
If you’d like to talk with us about starting testosterone replacement therapy, call Ehormones MD now for a Free Consultation (415) 361-5863. We’re here 24/7 to help.
Is Testosterone Therapy Safe?
Yes, but only if done by a certified TRT clinic and qualified testosterone physician. You should never think about self-prescribing or purchasing supplemental testosterone on the black market. Not only might it not be effective, it will likely be dangerous.
For those reasons, you should only ever inject testosterone with a certified anti-aging clinic. Here at Ehormones MD of San Jose, we only use the finest grade testosterone supplements and employ the best TRT doctors in the state of California. After taking thousands of men through testosterone replacement therapy, we have an extensive and safe track record of doing so. All of our patients are screened before starting TRT. This is done to ensure a safe and effective treatment. Once on the treatment, patients are monitored through blood work every 8-12 weeks to make sure the therapy is safe and effective. These are the careful safely measures all our testosterone doctors employ to manage the care of our clients. If you become a client of ours, you can rest assured you’re working with the safest testosterone clinic in San Jose. Our testosterone physicians have years of experience working with patients just like you. While having effective treatment is key to restoring you health, your care and safety is really our top priority. So if TRT is a safe treatment, why does it still get bad press about being unsafe? This is due chiefly to black market use, as we previously mentioned. It’s very similar to the bad press that HGH therapy receives. When a black-market user of testosterone self-injects, it’s really just random guessing. Often no screening or monitoring of the blood takes place. Even worse, the user doesn’t know exactly what he’s putting into his body or how much to use. Of course, injecting testosterone in this way can cause health risks. But that’s why we always state you should only ever consider doing the treatment with a certified TRT clinic. Before wrapping up, we need to mention that no drug or therapy can claim to be 100% safe and effective all the time. Every drug has some associated risk, small as it may be. However, the TRT done at our clinic is very safe because of all the safety procedures we have in place If you still have concerns over the safety of TRT, our testosterone physicians will be glad to discuss them. We understand many of the patients who visit our San Jose testosterone clinic have little or no experience with the treatment.
Ehormones MD San Francisco offers locations in Fremont, San Jose and San Ramon.
The skilled HGH doctors at Ehormones MD San Francisco offer a full-circle preventive approach to optimal health through HGH Therapy Programs, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, personalized fitness programs and tailor-made nutrition plans.
If you’re experiencing one or more of the following symptoms, call Ehormones MD San Jose for a Free Consultation (415) 361-5863:
- Fatigue
- Lack of interest in sex (low libido)
- Problems getting or keeping an Erection (ED)
- Weight gain
- Decreased muscle tone
- Decreased exercise capacity
- Depression
- Memory loss
- Mood swings
- Wrinkled/loose skin
- Trouble sleeping
At Ehormones MD San Jose HGH Clinic, we offer:
- Highly trained Medical Doctors to closely supervise all Hormone Therapy Programs
- A comprehensive review of symptoms, medical, family and personal history
- Testosterone Replacement Therapy
- HGH Therapy
- Ongoing supervision
- Fitness programs
- Nutrition planning
- A caring and empathetic staff to assist you
If you’re age 30 or more, you are probably experiencing the signs and symptoms of aging. You may be suffering from Low Testosterone and/or Low HGH. If you live in the San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose or San Ramon areas, call today to schedule an Free Consultation with and expert:
(415) 361-5863
Ehormones MD San Jose
2690 S. White Rd., Suite 235, San Jose, CA 95148

To achieve the best possible results for each patient, we must treat everyone as a unique individual. – Dr. Welch
Dr. Frank J. Welch M.D., M.S.P.H., F.A.C.P.M
Dr. Frank J. Welch is a leading advocate and expert in the field of hormone replacement therapy, wellness and disease prevention. Dr. Welch specializes in treating male patients with HGH Therapy and Testosterone Replacement Therapy.
Dr. Welch received his medical degree in from the University of New Mexico in 1993, where he also graduated Valedictorian in Chemical Engineering in 1985. He completed his residency in Preventive Medicine from Tulane University in 1998.
Dr. Welch is a Board Certified Fellow of the American Board of Preventive Medicine and is certified in American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). He has worked in both academic and public health civil service for 20 years and is a highly experienced age management and hormone replacement physician. Dr. Welch is certified in anti-aging medicine with a special interest in the treatment of andropause and hypogonadism.
If you are interested in becoming a patient of Dr. Welch, call Ehormones MD at (415) 361-5863 for a 100% Free Consultation.
Call Ehormones MD now for a Free Consultation (415) 361-5863. We’re here 24/7 to help.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or want to book a treatment, you can contact us using contact form bellow.
We’re here 24/7 to help.