Testosterone Replacement and HGH Therapy in Richmond, VA
Located in the beautiful Richmond, VA Ehormones MD is here to guide you through the common problem of Low Testosterone or “Low T”. Our doctors prescribe personalized anti-aging programs that can get you back to feeling like your old self in no time.

Get Back on Track with HGH Therapy and Testosterone Replacement
Odds are, you’re here because you’re tired of feeling like less than your best self – and now, you’re ready to do something about it.
Ask any man what his “peak” age was, and he’ll probably say that he felt like he was operating at top-notch performance levels in his 20s or 30s. But actually, there’s no reason why you can’t have energy, stamina, and focus well into your 50s, 60s, and beyond. All you need to age like a pro is a solid lineup of anti-aging strategies, an experienced testosterone doctor, and personalized treatments to keep your body in great shape.
While it’s true that your testosterone production tends to decline as you get older, it’s an issue that can easily be solved. Today, advanced testosterone replacement therapy options are available from professional providers like Ehormones MD in Richmond. Testosterone treatment and HGH therapy are designed to fill the gaps in your natural hormone production, ensuring that all systems go.
Ehormones MD Anti-Aging Clinic In Richmond, VA
Welcome to Ehormones MD of Richmond, Virginia. We offer safe and effective aging solutions for men over 30.
If you’ve been experiencing changes in your body and mood, it may be an aging problem. Let our Richmond anti-aging doctors discuss it with you. You may be surprised how easy it can be to remedy.
Our panel of anti-aging doctors have a wealth of experience in the field. When you enter our Richmond anti-aging clinic, you’ll be greeted by anti-aging physicians that genuinely care about their patients.
Your success is our success. For that reason, each of our patients works one-on-one with an anti-aging specialist who formulates a program to fit your unique needs. Our HGH doctors understand how to solve your aging issues and will help place you back on track to a younger you.
If you’ve considered testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or human growth hormone (HGH) for your aging issues, then you should talk with us. Our knowledgeable and friendly anti-aging physicians are glad to answer any questions you have.
There’s no risk in speaking to us. The initial consultations at our Richmond HGH clinic are free. By making an appointment now, you’re getting one step closer to a younger you.
When to Get HGH or Testosterone Therapy
How do you know if you’re a candidate for anti-aging therapy? If you’re a man 30 or older and have been suffering with any of the following symptoms, you are likely in need of anti-aging therapy.
- Decreased energy
- Increased belly fat
- Decreased muscle tone
- Decreased exercise stamina
- Poor sleep quality
- Lethargy
- Low libido
- Suboptimal erections
The signs of low testosterone are often mistakenly attributed to a natural effect of getting older. But when you think of the most famous “silver foxes” of our time – like Brad Pitt or George Clooney – you certainly don’t see them giving it all up once they hit middle age. So, why should you?
Ehormones MD is a leading testosterone clinic in Richmond, working with each of our patients on an individualized level to deliver the tailored treatments they need to turn back the clock. We’ll help you pinpoint exactly where your hormonal production is falling short, what could be causing it, and how to get it back in gear.
Call us now for a free consultation at (800) 658-8858 to discuss your options.
Call Ehormones MD now for a Free Consultation (800) 658-8858. We’re here 24/7 to help.
What is HGH Therapy?
It’s a therapy designed to raise HGH levels in men from below normal to the normal range. This is achieved through injectable supplemental human growth hormone.
Men with low levels of HGH are typically over 30; although even men in their 20s are starting to see their HGH levels decline. When human growth hormone levels drop to levels deemed inadequate, it can affect many other processes in the body.
This is because human growth hormone plays such an important role in the human system. If you didn’t know it, HGH is actually a peptide hormone responsible for many of the good qualities of health.
As men advance in years, their HGH levels drop. Scientists are not sure exactly why. There has also been an acceleration in HGH loss over the last couple of generations. Some doctors believe it’s due to environmental factors.
What we’re seeing today is that HGH levels decline on average 1% per year after the age of 30. If left unchecked, it can cause a host of health conditions that can severely affect a man’s life. These include:
- suboptimal erections
- low sperm production
- loss of muscle
- increased belly fat
- less restful sleep
- loss of sex drive
As a result of so many men experiencing low human growth hormone, HGH clinics have become increasingly more popular. This is because HGH therapy is the only known and proven solution for raising HGH levels in men back to the normal range.
By using supplemental HGH for a period of 3-6 months, a patient can return his levels to the normal range. As this happens, the health conditions listed above gradually subside.
If you’re intent on learning more about HGH replacement therapy, contact our Richmond, Virginia HGH clinic. Our Richmond anti-aging physicians are glad to address any questions you have.
FIND AN HGH CLINIC NEAR ME IN RICHMOND, VA: Call us 24/7 at (210) 209-8147 or submit the form on this page.
Is HGH Therapy Effective?
When administered by certified HGH clinic, we consider the therapy as safe as any drug or therapy can be. No drug or therapy can ever claim to be 100% effective, but the effective rating at our Richmond HGH clinic is very high.
HGH therapy absolutely does work and most men can accept the treatment. If HGH was not effective, it would simply not be offered as an aging solution at so many clinics around the world.
Through experience, we’ve seen countless men benefit from the use of supplemental HGH. It’s also reflected in the numbers and in the mood of the men helped by HGH. We not only see our patients’ HGH levels rise on paper, but we see a big difference in their outlook as well.
It’s important to note, we are not raising HGH levels in men to artificially high levels. We’re simply restoring lost HGH to the normal range.
In most cases, this is all it takes to achieve effective results that allow patients to look and feel years younger. The benefits of sustained HGH via our Richmond anti-aging clinic are:
- More muscle tone and less belly fat
- Bones become denser and stronger
- Libido and erections improve
- Sperm production returns to normal amounts
- Increased daily energy and more restful sleep at night
Most of the men we treat wish they would have started HGH therapy years earlier. It’s that effective.
Keep in mind HGH is effective for the majority of men we work with. But we can’t guarantee all our patients will achieve these results. Still, if you feel you have low human growth hormone, HGH therapy is really your only valid option.
If you’re a man 30 or over considering HGH therapy, contact us. All our consultations are 100% free – with no risk to you. Our Richmond HGH doctors will be glad to discuss how HGH therapy works and answer any questions you have.
Call Ehormones MD now for a Free Consultation (800) 658-8858. We’re here 24/7 to help.
Is HGH Therapy Safe?
If a patient is working with a certified HGH clinic, then the therapy is safe. Is there a small risk? Yes, but it’s very low and all our patients are screened before being allowed to start treatment. This cuts the risk factor down by a huge degree.
We screen each patient through a comprehensive blood analysis. If any contraindicators appear, we do not allow that patient to start HGH.
However, a large percentage of our patients have no contraindicators and go on the treatment. Once they begin, they are continually monitored by our licensed anti-aging doctors.
This further ensures the safety of our patients. During the therapy our HGH doctors may change the dosage to keep a safe and effective treatment.
There are detractors of HGH therapy who claim it unsafe. However, if it was an unsafe treatment, it wouldn’t be offered as a viable medical solution to men all over the world.
These critics of supplemental HGH often point to black market use, where HGH is purchased from unauthorized and unscrupulous sources. Additionally, it is often self-prescribed with unusually high doses. And no screening or monitoring by a certified HGH doctor takes place.
This often results in unnecessary health risks. But when HGH is done at a certified anti-aging clinic and overseen by a licensed HGH doctor, the risks are minimal.
If the safety of HGH therapy is a concern for you, contact our HGH clinic in Richmond, Virginia. Our HGH specialists will be glad to go over any questions you have.
Give us a call at (800) 658-8858. Our initial consultations are always free.
Call Ehormones MD now for a Free Consultation (800) 658-8858. We’re here 24/7 to help.
What Is Testosterone Therapy?
It’s a therapy designed to raise testosterone levels in men with low counts. Typically, it is achieved through injectable testosterone over a sustained period.
Injections are mostly administered once per week, although the schedule can vary depending on the patient. As a practice, TRT has been in existence for a long time – more than three generations.
But it’s only been in the last decade or so that it has exploded in popularity. More and more, men are seeing the benefit of using testosterone replacement therapy to achieve the look and feel of their younger years.
It’s a known fact that testosterone levels drop in aging men. However, just like with HGH, testosterone levels have been declining faster in this generation of men than in the previous ones.
Again, most doctors point to environmental factors – like more estrogen in the substances we ingest. Even being constantly exposed to air pollution and man-made chemicals in our home and work environments can negatively affect testosterone.
Testosterone doctors mostly agree that a man’s normal T range will fall between 500-1000 ng/dL. If a man’s testosterone levels are above 500 ng/dL, then he will typically experience good health.
This is the reason healthy men in their teen years and 20s rarely experience any of the symptoms of low testosterone. From clinical studies conducted over the last decade, we know that testosterone levels unfortunately do not sustain over a man’s lifetime.
Rather they fall at an average rate of 1.6% every year after the age of 30. This does not sound like a lot, but after a decade or two, it can add up and show significant change in a man’s health and mood.
The only known medical solution to low T is testosterone therapy with a certified anti-aging clinic. By using testosterone therapy for even 8-10 weeks, our patients often show significant improvement. These improvements often include the following health benefits:
- Better muscle tone
- Stronger bones
- More restful sleep
- Good libido
- Excellent sperm quality
If you’ve thought about using supplemental testosterone to restore your youth, give us a call. We’re here to help.
Our Richmond TRT doctors are glad to answer all your questions. Pick up the phone now to speak with our Richmond anti-aging clinic. Schedule your free consultation at (210) 209-8147 or submit the form on this page.
What Causes Low Testosterone?
When it comes to low T, age is one of the most common culprits. However, there are other factors that can cause or contribute to hormonal imbalance, including:
- Certain medical conditions
- Certain types of medications
- Alcohol or drug use
- A prior injury or trauma to the groin area or testicles
One of the many things that set Ehormones apart is that we don’t just treat the symptoms; we work to tackle the issue at its root cause. Not only does this make our Richmond low-T therapy more effective, but it also helps our patients achieve sustainable, long-term results.
When you’re looking for a low testosterone doctor, Richmond Ehormones has the experts you want in your corner.
Is Testosterone Therapy Effective?
Unequivocally, the answer is yes. Testosterone therapy works and it’s really the only solution to men experiencing the on-going effects of low T.
We’ve helped thousands of men in our Ehormones MD anti-aging clinics raise their testosterone levels back to the normal range. Additionally, there is a wealth of supporting evidence from other testosterone clinics around the world.
But the best proof of effectiveness is to talk with the patients at our Richmond anti-aging clinic. Most of them will tell you that going on testosterone therapy is like night and day compared to being off it.
A large percentage of our testosterone therapy clients report having better sex drive, stronger erections, more muscle tone, less body fat, and an alleviation of brain fog. They not only sleep better too, but are happier during their waking hours.
After just 3-6 months on treatment, the large majority of our patients see their T levels return to the normal range, which is above 500 ng/dL. Some even achieve levels at the higher end of the spectrum.
If you have never tried TRT before, it’s understandable to be skeptical of its effectiveness. But don’t take our word for it. The best way to see if it’s a viable anti-aging solution for you is to try it yourself.
Our Richmond testosterone doctors will be glad to discuss it in a free initial consultation. So, what do you have to lose? Give our Richmond testosterone clinic a call today to set up your free appointment.
Find a Testosterone Clinic near me. Call us 24/7 at (800) 658-8858 or submit the form on this page.
Is Testosterone Therapy Safe?
Testosterone replacement therapy is about as safe a treatment as any, provided it is done through a certified anti-aging clinic.
Of course, as with any drug, a small amount of risk is always present. But our Richmond testosterone physicians have years of experience in the field and follow the strictest guidelines when it comes to our patients’ safety.
All our clients are screened before beginning the therapy. If no contraindicators are found, then a patient can safely begin treatment. A large percentage of our patients are approved for the therapy at our clinics.
Patients are then continually monitored through the duration of the treatment by our anti-aging doctors. This is the safest method of going on testosterone replacement therapy.
Most of the criticism of TRT is accredited to black market use, where unassuming users buy inferior supplemental testosterone.
In addition, they self-prescribe unusually high doses and do no screening or monitoring of their blood. This can lead to many health complications. This is where most of the damaging claims of TRT focus on.
The solution is to use a certified anti-aging clinic with anti-aging doctors you can trust. If safety is your first concern in using TRT, we will be glad to go over it with you at our Richmond anti-aging clinic.
If you’d like to talk with us about starting testosterone replacement therapy, call Ehormones MD to schedule an appointment with our Richmond HGH Doctors: (800) 658-8858
Find our nearest location at:
Ehormones MD Chesapeake, VA
1157 S. Military Hwy, Ste 102
Chesapeake, VA 23320

To achieve the best possible results for each patient, we must treat everyone as a unique individual. – Dr. Welch
Dr. Frank J. Welch M.D., M.S.P.H., F.A.C.P.M
Dr. Frank J. Welch is a leading advocate and expert in the field of hormone replacement therapy, wellness and disease prevention. Dr. Welch specializes in treating male patients with HGH Therapy and Testosterone Replacement Therapy.
Dr. Welch received his medical degree in from the University of New Mexico in 1993, where he also graduated Valedictorian in Chemical Engineering in 1985. He completed his residency in Preventive Medicine from Tulane University in 1998.
Dr. Welch is a Board Certified Fellow of the American Board of Preventive Medicine and is certified in American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). He has worked in both academic and public health civil service for 20 years and is a highly experienced age management and hormone replacement physician. Dr. Welch is certified in anti-aging medicine with a special interest in the treatment of andropause and hypogonadism.
If you are interested in becoming a patient of Dr. Welch, call Ehormones MD at (800) 658-8858 for a 100% Free Consultation.
Richmond, VA Testosterone Therapy from Ehormones MD
If you do a quick search for “testosterone clinics near me,” you’re likely to end up with pages and pages of results. However, not all Richmond testosterone clinics are created equally – and neither are their approaches to effective anti-aging treatments.
At Ehormones MD, we’ve emerged as a leader in the field because of our comprehensive approach to hormonal health. Through our extensive experience and clinical practice, we’ve determined that men’s wellness isn’t limited to testosterone. Low-T treatments that ignore the other aspects of men’s health and wellness simply won’t produce the same level of results that a more complex plan will.
As a patient at our Richmond low-T treatment clinic, you’ll receive a treatment plan that’s been completely customized according to your goals. Our team will help you achieve the best possible results with:
- Testosterone and/or HGH therapies
- Medical doctor supervision
- A thorough evaluation of symptoms, health and family history, and other key details
- Ongoing assessment of progress to refine treatment as needed
- Premium supplements
- High-quality compounded medications
- Nutrition planning and fitness
- Stress-reduction strategies
Think of it as a direct route to become the healthy, happy man you deserve to be. What are you waiting for?
If you’d like to talk with us about starting testosterone replacement therapy, call Ehormones MD to schedule an appointment with our Richmond HGH Doctors: (800) 658-8858
Find our nearest location at:
Ehormones MD Chesapeake, VA
1157 S. Military Hwy, Ste 102
Chesapeake, VA 23320
Call Ehormones MD now for a Free Consultation (800) 658-8858. We’re here 24/7 to help.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or want to book a treatment, you can contact us using contact form bellow.
We’re here 24/7 to help.